
Daryn Answers Common Questions

Yes, we do. This training usually lasts 2 to 4 hours and can be done multiple times a day to catch everyone. This training is often customized to fit the needs of the client and cover specific issues they are having. It is essential for the managers of a facility to have a good understanding of 70E, OSHA and electrical safety.


Electrical Safety for Managers

Yes, we do. This training usually last 1.5 to 2 hours and can be done multiple times a day to catch everyone. This training is often customized to fit the needs of the client and cover specific issues they are having.


Our Electrical Safety for Unqualified Workers

I sure do, and I love it. I enjoy speaking to rooms full of people wanting to increase the safety of their facilities. I have presented many times at the national conferences of ASSE and NSC. As well as local and regional meetings of each. And VPP conferences, NFM&T and many industry-specific conferences. If you need a speaker let’s talk.

Our training is one-day. The 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Work Place is only 51 pages, plus the OSHA stuff we need to cover. One day of training is plenty to accomplish what we need. Most companies have me speak for 6 to 8 hours; it depends on their scheduling.

Our qualified training.

You can’t do electrical safety training without covering both OSHA and 70E. It’s essential that workers and management understand the relationship between OSHA and 70E and how they frequently overlap. OSHA may never write anyone a citation for not following 70E, but they don’t have to. Does OSHA enforce 70E is a common question I hear? My answer is, “only the hard stuff.” OSHA doesn’t go into great detail about how to protect workers, but it says you have to protect workers. 70E tells you how to get that done. So, we need to cover both.

Our training is designed to get workers to work more safely. Our focus is not the memorization of the code, standards or OSHA regulations. It is to teach practical concepts to help those in the field go home alive. Always wear PPE when needed and how to select the level of PPE, test before touch, live-dead-live test, don’t work energized, don’t take short-cuts, etc. We speak about both shock and arc hazards and how to assess and reduce risk with each.

Contact me anytime with questions you may have concerning our training or general questions about electrical safety.


Call: 877.393.9901

email: daryn@electricaltrainingpro.com

visit www.electricaltrainingpro.com

Linton, Indiana is where we call home.

About Us


Yes, we do training all over the nation. It doesn’t matter where you are in the U.S. we can bring our arc flash/70E electrical safety training right to you.

Workers must go through training on OSHA 1910.331 through 1910.335 if they face risk from electrical hazards not reduced to a safe level. They must also go through training in electrical safe work practices needed for their safety not addressed by the OSHA standard. 70E training discusses electrical hazards in more detail and is required every three years.

Our 70E Training

OSHA Training Requirements

I worked in factories for 10 years before I began training. I’ve been training industrial electrical maintenance workers for 28 years. I founded Lewellyn Technology in 1993 as a seminar training company teaching electrical maintenance courses, hands-on troubleshooting, PLCs, etc. Watching it grow was terrific. Eight years after we started we began doing electrical safety training too when Phillip Morris asked us to get involved with their 70E implementation. In 2012 I sold the company. In 2017 I got restless, and here I am starting another training company. I love training, what can I say. I have the opportunity to pursue my passion. I am indeed a lucky man.

Great question! We’ll need a signed one-page training agreement and either a credit card number or Purchase Order. Before the class, we will send you a training checklist to make sure we have everything in place to make this an excellent training experience. It has questions concerning training location, training times, equipment needed, what to do upon arrival, etc.